Viktor Ginzburg's Research Interests

My recent work in symplectic topology and Hamiltonian dynamical systems mainly focuses on the problem of existence of periodic orbits of Hamiltonian systems and on some related questions, addressed, mainly, from the perspective of symplectic topology. I have worked on both proving the existence of periodic orbits for such systems (e.g., the Conley conjecture) and on constructing examples of Hamiltonian systems with few or even without periodic orbits (the Hamiltonian Seifert conjecture). On a technical level, I use various flavors of Floer homology. Among specific systems I am particularly interested in are those describing the motion of a charge in a magnetic field.

I have also worked in Poisson geometry and studied Hamiltonian actions of compact groups.

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Viktor Ginzburg
Last modified: Sat Jul 25 13:29:06 PDT 2015